P.A. 4 / S.O. 4.1 - N. 505


Lower Adriatic Sea - Transit Intermodal Networking Grid

Project Summary

The main goal of LASTING project is to foster regional coordination and streamlining of passenger flows within the Lower Adriatic area and into the Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T), calling for the relaunch of the Pan-European Corridor VIII. The project aims to improve the multimodal system of connections, based on analyses of passenger mobility in the Lower Adriatic, as well as to improve the connections between the main cross-border transit infrastructures and the trans-European corridors. As a result, a strategic plan for the transnational passenger transit system will be developed and proposed for adoption to the four Transport Authorities of the Lower Adriatic region


Total budget 634.710,85 EUR
EU Contribution IPA co-financing 85%
Duration 01/01/2020 – 31/12/2021

Main Outputs

- Lower Adriatic Passenger Integrated Mobility System Strategic Plan

Project Partnership
Lead Partner
Agenzia Strategica per lo Sviluppo Ecosostenibile del Territorio Regione Puglia (IT) - Contacts: Giuseppe Garofalo - giuseppe.garofalo[at]asset.regione.puglia.it
Project Partners
  1. Autorità di Sistema Portuale del Mare Adriatico Meridionale (IT)
  2. Autoriteti Portual Durres (AL)
  3. Luka Bar Akcionarsko Društvo Bar (ME)
  4. Universiteti Bujqesor i Tiranes (AL)
  5. Agenzia Regionale per lo Sviluppo del Molise – Sviluppo Italia Molise S.p.A. (IT)
SMART INTEGRATION PROCESS – Technical Study for the harmonization of in/out passenger flow